Libero became member organization of NOCS
Today, during the second day of Assembly of The Network of Organizations for Children of Serbia, Libero became its member organization.
Aktivistički servis 2016 je uspešno završen
U okviru projekta Aktivistički omladinski servis 2016 održani su info dani. Na njima je detaljno predstavljena baza aktivista/kinja velikom broju organizacija koje rade za mlade i sa mladima, a posebno sa učenicima srednjih škola. aktivirajse.info je servis čija je...
Activist service training officially over
Within the project Activist Youth Service 2016 a number of info days is implemented. During these events data base aktivirajse.info was presented to many organizations working with young people, and specially high school students. This data base has a purpose to be a...
Conflict Transformers NET is launched
Conflict Transformers NET is an international network stated by Libero within the framework of a project which dealt with conflict transformation through youth work. Aim of the network is to gather experiences, knowledge and references of its members and to offer it...
Conflict Transformers NET
Libero started initiative to create Conflict Transformers NET, platform of organisations that would work on the development of methods for online conflict transformation with young people. The purpose of our initiative is to provide youth workers and activists with...
TransconflictNET – Training course is over
NGO Libero organized an international training course – Youth Work in Conflict Transformation Online (TransconflictNET). We gathered in Vršac, Serbia, from 21st to 26th of June, 2016, to work on online conflict transformation with young people from all over...
TransconflictNET – CALL for participants
NGO Libero is organizing international training in Vrsac, Serbia, from 21st to 26th of June, 2016. This training will be a place where young people, working on conflict transformation and/or online activism, will gather/share/learn with a goal to promote the role of...