Conflict Transformers NET is an international network stated by Libero within the framework of a project which dealt with conflict transformation through youth work. Aim of the network is to gather experiences, knowledge and references of its members and to offer it to a wider community interested in the topic. Network currently gathers 17 organizations from 13 European countries.

Our initiative intends to demonstrate how using online tools widens possibilities for conflict transformation. To that end, we have launched a web platform which is supposed to serve as an online hub where all interested organizations and individuals could find plenty of specific methods and practical tools for engaging in online conflict transformation. We expect that all the resourced offered would be useful for youth workers and activists who are willing to learn about other initiatives and possibilities for approaching conflict transformation online. We also hope that youth organizations will use this network to find partners and launch joint project initiatives.

The goals of Conflict Transformers NET platform are:

–  To collect and offer relevant information about conflict transformation online through youth work and to support exchange of knowledge and contacts;

–  Joint work of organizations involved in developing methodological framework for conflict transformation online through youth work;

–  Capacity building of member organizations for online conflict transformation;

–  To establish the official network for online conflict transformation through youth work in a way that would be agreed by all interested parties.

Project is being implemented with the support of European Youth Foundation, Council of Europe.

To find out more about the network please check

Council of Europe
European youth foundation