Conflict Transformers NET

Conflict Transformers NET

Libero started initiative to create Conflict Transformers NET, platform of organisations that would work on the development of methods for online conflict transformation with young people. The purpose of our initiative is to provide youth workers and activists with...

TransconflictNET – Training course is over

TransconflictNET – Training course is over

NGO Libero organized an international training course - Youth Work in Conflict Transformation Online (TransconflictNET).  We gathered  in Vršac, Serbia, from 21st to 26th of June, 2016, to work on online conflict transformation with young people from all over Europe...

TransconflictNET – CALL for participants

TransconflictNET – CALL for participants

NGO Libero is organizing international training in Vrsac, Serbia, from 21st to 26th of June, 2016. This training will be a place where young people, working on conflict transformation and/or online activism, will gather/share/learn with a goal to promote the role of...

Training Course INCLUDE ME is over

Training Course INCLUDE ME is over

After eight days of intense work and socializing, we brought the INCLUDE ME training course to the end. It was the training that took place in the framework of the ERASMUS+ Programme, supported by the European Union, and implemented by the NGO Libero from Belgrade....

Training Course INCLUDE ME has started

Training Course INCLUDE ME has started

Today officially started a eight-day Training Course in Vrsac within the framework of the project “INCLUDE ME – Creation of the Training Scheme for Prevention of Early School Leaving.” The main objective of the project is to build the capacity of youth workers and...

Include Me / Stakeholder meeting and Study visit to Brussels

Include Me / Stakeholder meeting and Study visit to Brussels

Today officially started a four-day Stakeholder meeting and study visit to Brussels within the framework of the project "INCLUDE ME - Creation of the Training Scheme for Prevention of Early School Leaving." The main objective of the project is to build the capacity of...

Project INCLUDE ME started

Project INCLUDE ME started

Project INCLUDE ME - Creation of the Training Scheme for Prevention of Early School Leaving officially started with 3-days Preparation meeting held in Belgrade from November 6th. Preparation meeting was hosted by NGO Libero and attended by representatives of...

Lajk It – local activities (promotion)

Lajk It – local activities (promotion)

Did you know that in Serbia 27,3% of young people are covering of the total number of Internet users? In Kosovo that number is 45,62%. That means that real exchange doesn’t happen at the spot when they meet but later on social networks. This is especially relevant in...

Closing Lajk It conference, Novi Pazar

Closing Lajk It conference, Novi Pazar

Closing Lajk It conference took place in Novi Pazar from 30th October to 1st November 2015. During the Closing conference we summarized the results for this years campaign. Various CSOs from Serbia and Kosovo participated in this conference in order to share...

Evropska omladinska fondacija
Program "Evropa za građane i građanke"
Program "ERAZMUS+"
ACT projekat