Promoting EXIT
NGO Libero together with other youth organization from Belgrade and in coordination of Belgrade youth council visited Slovenia in order to promote festival EXIT. During this visit young people from Serbian had press conferance in club K4 and organized 5 parties all...
Project: „Days of Belgrade in Pula” (intercultural cooperation)
“Days of Belgrade in Pula” came as a result of cooperation between two cities and their administration but mostly through cooperation between youth organizations in Belgrade and Pula. The event lasted five days, May 26th to 30th 2004 and was organized for a number of...
Seminar: „Strategic planing“
After successful start of cooperation the youth organizations from Serbia and Slovenia with help of the project of ministry of Education TI POVEJ, organized seminar in Belgrade. The seminar was about strategic planning and had goal to inform the youth organizations in...
Discussing mobility
Libero members as part of the delegation from Serbia, visited Student University Organization in Ljubljana with goal to discuss possibilities to improve mobility between the youth of Serbia and Slovenia. During this visit Serbian and Slovenian delegation signed...
Study visit to Slovenia
As part of Belgrade Youth Council, NGO Libero helped in organization of study visit of Agency for youth of R.Slovenia. This project had goal to help in transfering good practices from Slovenian youth organization to Serbia. During this visit we had lot official visits...
Promotion of young artists from Belgrade in Ljubljana
NGO Libero together with its partners organize promotion of young Belgrade artists in Ljubljana, Slovenia. Libero on this way try to stimulate intercultural dialogue and cooperation between youth in Serbia and Slovenia. Young artists from Belgrade had opportunity to...
Libero on EXIT
Libero on EXIT - camp NGO "Libero" in cooperation with NGO "EXIT", organized nine days long regional project "Libero camp", within the biggest social and cultural phenomena in South East Europe - "EXIT 02" (, festival that represents the first world...
Lepenski Vir
Communication skills and moderatoring practical introduction NGO "Libero" in partnership with Fridrih Naumann Stiftung realized tree days long training for trainers "Communication skills and moderatoring - practical introducing".Lecturer, Stefan Melnik (Germany) in...