Libero at KOMS Assembly

Libero at KOMS Assembly

Fifth regular Assembly of KOMS (Umbrella organization of Youth of Serbia) was held from 25-26. February 2017. in city of Niš. More than 37 delegates from entire Serbia attended.  Libero's delegate was Miloš Pavlovic. KOMS is the highest representative body of youth in...

Libero na V Skupštini KOMS-a

Libero na V Skupštini KOMS-a

Peta redovna Skupština Krovne organizacije mladih Srbije održana je u Nišu od 25-26. februara 2017. godine. Na Skupštini je učestvovalo 37 delegata i delegatkinja sa pravom glasa iz cele Srbije. Udruženje građana Libero predstavljao je delegat Miloš Pavlović. Krovna...

How to include early school leavers using

How to include early school leavers using

We are coming to the end of yet another great project implemented with our partners from  Out of the Box International- Belgium, Proni center for youth development- Bosnia and Herzegovina, TiPovej- Slovenia, Young European Federalist- Montenegro, Kosovo Young Lawyers-...

Trening za članice MODS-a, 3-5. februar 2017.

Trening za članice MODS-a, 3-5. februar 2017.

Članovi UG Libero održali su u Vršcu od 3. do 5. februara 2017. godine trening za 20 članica Mreže organizacija za decu Srbije iz 20 lokalnih zajednica u kojima će se sprovoditi kampanje za uspostavljanje lokalnih sporazuma za prevenciju i zaštitu dece od nasilja....

MODS training seminar, Vršac 3-5.2.2017

MODS training seminar, Vršac 3-5.2.2017

Trainers from NGO Libero held a training seminar for 20 members of MODS (Network of organizations for the children of Serbia) from 20 local communities where the campaign for the establishment of local agreements for prevention of violence against children is being...

European Youth Foundation
Europe for Citizens Programme
ERASMUS+ Programme
ACT Project
Regional Youth Cooperation Office