Start of the project “ExchangeIt – towards cooperation and reconciliation”
CSO Libero has together with six partners (KYL, Proni, Backslash, Connect International, Intercultura and Syllogos Apofiton Ekpedeftirion Mandoulidi) held the very first activity of the “Exchange it – towards cooperation and reconciliation” project supported by the...
Libero Organises Focus Groups on the Youth Employment During Education
In the previous month, CSO Libero has conducted three focus groups on the topic of youth employment during education. Focus groups were held in Belgrade, Kragujevac and Novi Sad as a part of a broader survey of the opportunities of young people who would like to work...
Libero at a meeting with French President Emanuel Macron
During the visit of French President Emanuel Macron to Serbia, representative of CSO Libero, Ivan Despotović, together with his colleagues from the youth organizations from the region, had the opportunity to meet with him and talk about the position of young...
Libero at the “Entrepreneurship – Bridge to the future” Seminar in Slovenia
Representative of Libero has taken part in a training “Entrepreneurship – Bridge to the future” which was organized by TiPovej in Slovenia. Throughout the seminar participants had a chance to share their good practices that are present in their...
President of Libero speaks at the conference on the civil society in Serbia
Last night, Ivan Despotović, President of CSO Libero, was one of the speakers at the forum “Open Society and Civic Space”, organized by organizations CETRA and Civic Initiatives. He spoke about the space for civil society in Serbia and the...
Internal MakeOver training held in Vrsac
The Internal Makeover training seminar that was organized within the MakeOver project was held in Vršac, Serbia, from 16 to 23 February 2019. Participants from seven countries have gathered in order to work on the internal makeover of their organizations and together...
LIBERO at Alumni Contact Seminar
On the 22nd of February, within the EU Info Center in Belgrade, a representative of Libero attended the Alumni Contact Seminar organised by ESN (Erasmus Student Network) and WBAA (Western Balkan Alumni Association). Throughout the event, the participants had an...