Start of the ACROSS project
The first phase of the project “ACROSS – Age: Connecting & Revitalizing thrOughSportS“ has started. It is a project supported by the Erasmus+ Programme of the European Union, where youth organizations and sports clubs from Serbia (NGO Libero and Basketball club...
European Living Library Held in Bijeljina, Bosnia and Herzegovina
The central activity of the project “European Living Library” in Bosnia and Herzegovina was held in Bijeljina on May 27 on the main city square where a large number of citizens showed up to take part in discussions with books. Every living book is actually...
Fifth Transnational Meeting with the INThROugh Project Held in Varadzin
The fifth transnational meeting within the project “INThROugh – the power of cross-sectoral synergy between education and sport” was held in the Croatian city of Varaždin from 9 to 11 May 2022. This meeting was organized with the goal to form foundations and conclude...
YouthEngage.net platform is now online!
We are happy to announce that the YouthEngage.net platform has been launched! It is a place that connects organizations that implement mobility activities with young people who are willing to participate in them and that allows the voice of young people to be heard on...
The fourth transnational meeting within the project “INThROugh – the power of cross-sectoral synergy between education and sport” was organized in Belgrade, Serbia, from April 11 to 13, 2022. The main objective of this meeting was to facilitate the...
Representatives of Libero have attended the Training for the funding diversification
Representatives of CSO Libero have participated in the training for diversification of funding sources, which was held in Vrdnik, Serbia, from March 23 to 25, 2022. The event was attended by members of non-profit organizations from all parts of Serbia who have...
The EduMixer guide for improving online education in Serbia has arrived!
Covid 19 pandemic has shifted education to the online sphere, which has brought numerous problems and challenges for all actors in the field of formal and non-formal education in Serbia. Although many believed that after the end of the pandemic, online education would...