Call for participants- COMPASS for my virtual life
Why this project? Human rights became...
Project “TranslatEU” realized on the Vracar municipality
Vracar city municipality and CSO Libero, in cooperation with partners Organization for cultural collaboration – Interkultura, Proni center for youth development, Public institute Mladi Zmaji and organization Out of the Box International, as well as representatives of...
Annual Assembly of MODS
The representative of Libero took part in the annual assembly of MODS (The Network of Organizations for Children of Serbia), which was organized in Kraljevo, November 3-5. Sixteen new organizations become members of the network and the new leadership was elected by...
National Erasmus+ info day for 2017
The representative of Libero took part at the National Erasmus+ Info Day which was held at Metropol Palace hotel, Belgrade, on 31 October 2017. This event was organized by Foundation Tempus – National Erasmus+ Office in Serbia. The event was an occasion to present...
Libero at Youth Participation in Internet Governance seminar
The representative of Libero had a unique chance to take part in a seminar Youth Participation in Internet Governance, organized by the Council of Europe in Strasbourg, France on October 24-26. Youth workers and internet governance experts from the whole Europe...
Libero has become part of the WBYCP
Libero has become part of the Western Balkans Youth Cooperation Platform! The platform is an initiative of Cooperation and Development Institute and is supported by Hanns Seidel Foundation. The main aim of the platform is to offer organisations or young individuals...
Libero at Move.Link.Engage. Rethinking Europe and Western Balkans Conference
Libero is taking part at the regional conference “Move.Link.Engage. Rethinking Europe and Western Balkans” in Belgrade, Serbia. The goal of this conference is to promote regional cooperation among citizens and civil society organizations in order to solve common...
Strategy for prevention of violence against children is in the making
The representative of NGO Libero took part in a meeting of MODS (Network of organizations for the children of Serbia) members held on July 26, where the creation of Strategy for the protection of children from the violence was discussed. Through its representative in...
SNAP Activism – Including High School Students in Creative Activism
We’re proud to launch a new and unique toolkit called „SNAP Activism – Including High School Students in Creative Activism“. A first of its kind, the toolkit which include innovative SNAP methods of boosting activism of high school students in the 21st Century. Today,...