Libero at the Annual MODS Assembly

Libero at the Annual MODS Assembly

The representative of Libero took part in the annual assembly of MODS (The Network of Organizations for the Children of Serbia), which was organized in Kragujevac, November 16-17. During the Assembly five new organizations became members of MODS. Member organizations...

Training Within the “Europe Talking” Project Finished.

Training Within the “Europe Talking” Project Finished.

Within the framework of the project Europe Talking  a training for high school students was held in the offices of the Youth Office Vračar between September 21st and 24th, 2018. Our participants have passed a program designed to inform them about the EU and prepare...

ExchangeIt Training Finished

ExchangeIt Training Finished

 CSO Libero and Kosovo Young Lawyers have organized the training within the project “Exchange it- towards regional cooperation and reconciliation”, supported by the Regional Youth Cooperation Office. This training was designed for representatives of local authorities,...

Libero at “Youth Against Violent Extremism” Conference

Libero at “Youth Against Violent Extremism” Conference

Libero had a privilege to take part in the conference “Youth Against Violent Extremism” which was held in Sarajevo on June 12, 2018, in the building of the Parliamentary Assembly of Bosnia-Herzegovina. The conference aims to create conditions for a more effective...

Libero at RYCO contract signing ceremony

Libero at RYCO contract signing ceremony

Regional Youth Cooperation Office (RYCO) signed contracts on Friday, May 18 with twelve civil society organizations, among them was CSO Libero, and high schools from Serbia that got the support to organize the first youth exchange programs within the RYCO Open Call...

Evropska omladinska fondacija
Program "Evropa za građane i građanke"
Program "ERAZMUS+"
ACT projekat