.European Living Library has visited Skopje, North Macedonia
The third European Living Library was organized in Skopje, North Macedonia, from June 8 to 11, 2022. It involved close to 100 direct participants from the project partner countries who were prepared to support the implementation of the event and serve as engaging...
Početak projekta “Family Friendly Sports”
Projekat „FFS - Family Friendly Sports” podržan je od strane Erazmus+ programa Evropske unije i okuplja 7 različitih organizacija i sportskih klubova iz 5 zemalja Evrope kako bi ostvarili cilj stvaranja održivog ekosistema za razvoj i rast sporta namenjenog porodici...
The project “FFS – Family Friendly Sports” is supported by the Erasmus+ Programme of the European Union and brings together 7 different organizations and sports clubs from 5 countries around Europe to achieve the aim of creating a sustainable ecosystem for the...
Početak projekta “ACROSS”
Počela je prva faza projekta „ACROSS – Age: Connecting & Revitalizing ThrOughSportS“. Reč je o projektu koji podržava Erazmus+ program Evropske unije i koga sprovode omladinske organizacije i sportski klubovi iz Srbije (NVO Libero i Košarkaški klub Gro-Basket),...
Start of the ACROSS project
The first phase of the project “ACROSS – Age: Connecting & Revitalizing thrOughSportS“ has started. It is a project supported by the Erasmus+ Programme of the European Union, where youth organizations and sports clubs from Serbia (NGO Libero and Basketball club...
European Living Library Held in Bijeljina, Bosnia and Herzegovina
The central activity of the project "European Living Library" in Bosnia and Herzegovina was held in Bijeljina on May 27 on the main city square where a large number of citizens showed up to take part in discussions with books. Every living book is actually a person...
Evropska živa biblioteka održana je u Bijeljini
Centralna aktivnost projekta "Evropska živa biblioteka" u Bosni i hercegovini održana je u Bijeljini 27. maja na glavnom gradskom trgu gde je veliki broj građana imao priliku da učestvuje u razgovoru sa knjigama iz našeg kataloga. Svaka živa knjiga je zapravo osoba sa...
Fifth Transnational Meeting with the INThROugh Project Held in Varadzin
The fifth transnational meeting within the project “INThROugh – the power of cross-sectoral synergy between education and sport” was held in the Croatian city of Varaždin from 9 to 11 May 2022. This meeting was organized with the goal to form foundations and conclude...
Peti transnacionalni sastanak u okviru projekta INThROugh
U hrvatskom gradu Varaždinu od 9. do 11. maja 2022. godine održan je peti transnacionalni sastanak u okviru projekta „INThROugh – snaga međusektorske sinergije obrazovanja i sporta“. Ovaj sastanak je organizovan sa ciljem da se postave temelji i zaključuju sporazumi...