LIBERO na Alumni Kontakt Seminaru

LIBERO na Alumni Kontakt Seminaru

U petak, 22. Februara u EU Info Centru, održan je Alumni Kontakt Seminar na kome je učestvovao i jedan od predstavnika udruženja građana Libero. Sam događaj je organizovan od strane organizacija ESN (Erasmus Studentska Mreža) i WBAA (Alumni Asocijacija Zapadnog...

LIBERO at Alumni Contact Seminar

LIBERO at Alumni Contact Seminar

On the 22nd of February, within the EU Info Center in Belgrade, a representative of Libero attended the Alumni Contact Seminar organised by ESN (Erasmus Student Network) and WBAA (Western Balkan Alumni Association). Throughout the event, the participants had an...

LIBERO na VII Redovnoj KOMS skupštini

LIBERO na VII Redovnoj KOMS skupštini

  Od 8. do 10. Februara je na Avali, u odmaralištu "Radojka Lakić" održana VII redovna skupština Krovne organizacije mladih Srbije, u čijem radu je učestovavo i jedan od predstavnika organizacije Libero. Na ovoj skupštini usvojen je Godišnji plan rada za 2019....

Libero at the 7th KOMS Assembly

Libero at the 7th KOMS Assembly

From 8th-10th February, in a students resort based on Avala, a representative of Libero took part of the 7thKOMS assembly. On this assembly, a workplan for 2019 was adopted, while the report on the 2018 workplan was also adopted. The delegates voted on the matter of...

MakeOver – Call for Participants

MakeOver – Call for Participants

If you are representing youth organization at crossroads, looking for support and guide how to improve and upgrade its work this is the right opportunity for you. Within the MakeOver project we will guide you through the processes of internal and external makeover for...

Održani “Exchange It” info dani

Održani “Exchange It” info dani

UG Libero i NVO "KYL" organizovali su "Exchange it" Info dane u Beogradu i Prištini u okviru projekta "Exchange it - ka regionalnoj saradnji i pomirenju" , koji je podržan od strane Regionalne kancelarije za saradnju mladih. Na info danima predstavljen je i vodič za...

European Youth Foundation
Europe for Citizens Programme
ERASMUS+ Programme
ACT Project
Regional Youth Cooperation Office