Najava događaja u okviru projekta “Izaberi EU” na opštini Vračar
Od 9. do 12 maja, na području opštine Vračar, održaće se niz događaja u okviru projekta "Izaberi EU", podržanog od strane programa Evropske unije - Evropa za građane i građanke. S obzirom na to da su predstojeći parlamentarni izbori EU iza ćoška, ovaj projekat...
Announcement of “Select EU” events at the Vračar municipality
From 9th till 12th may 2019 on Vračar municipality a series of events will be held within the “Select EU” project, supported by the Europe for Citizens Programme of the European Union. Considering the fact that the next EU Parliament elections are around the corner,...
yoUThILIZE e-democracy training seminar was held in Vrsac, Serbia, from 8th till 14th April 2019. It was attended by participants from all around Europe who had a unique chance to discuss and propose new methods and approaches that would ensure young people’s access...
Libero na seminaru “Preduzetništvo – most ka budućnosti” u Sloveniji
Predstavnik Libera učestvovao je na seminaru "Preduzetništvo - most ka budućnosti" koji je organizovala NVO TiPovej iz Slovenije. U okviru ovog seminara učesnici su imali priliku da podele iskustva i razgovaraju o primerima dobre prakse koji su prisutni u radu...
Libero at the “Entrepreneurship – Bridge to the future” Seminar in Slovenia
Representative of Libero has taken part in a training "Entrepreneurship - Bridge to the future" which was organized by TiPovej in Slovenia. Throughout the seminar participants had a chance to share their good practices that are present in their organisation's work....
Predsednik UG Libero govorio na tribini “Otvoreno društvo i građanski prostor”
Ivan Despotović, predsednik UG Libero, sinoć je bio jedan od govornika na tribini "Otvoreno društvo i građanski prostor", koju su organizovale CETRA i Građanske inicijative. Tom prilikom je govorio o prostoru za delovanje civilnog društva u Srbiji i značaju političkog...
President of Libero speaks at the conference on the civil society in Serbia
Last night, Ivan Despotović, President of CSO Libero, was one of the speakers at the forum "Open Society and Civic Space", organized by organizations CETRA and Civic Initiatives. He spoke about the space for civil society in Serbia and the importance of...
Interni “MakeOver” seminar održan u Vršcu
"MakeOver" seminar za internu transformaciju održan je u Vršcu, Srbija, od 16. do 23. februara 2019. Učesnici iz sedam zemalja okupili su kako bi radili na internom preobražaju svojih organizacija i kako bi, zajedno sa ekspertima i trenerima, naučili više o strateškom...
Internal MakeOver training held in Vrsac
The Internal Makeover training seminar that was organized within the MakeOver project was held in Vršac, Serbia, from 16 to 23 February 2019. Participants from seven countries have gathered in order to work on the internal makeover of their organizations and together...