Lajk It – local activities (promotion)
Did you know that in Serbia 27,3% of young people are covering of the total number of Internet users? In Kosovo that number is 45,62%. That means that real exchange doesn’t happen at the spot when they meet but later on social networks. This is especially relevant in...
Održana završna Lajk It konferencija, Novi Pazar
Završna Lajk It konferencija održana je u Novom Pazaru od 30. oktobra do 1. novembra 2015. godine. Tokom završne konferencije sumirani su rezultati ovogodišnjeg rada. Različite organizacije iz Srbije i sa Kosova su učestvovale na ovoj konferenciji u cilju razmene...
Closing Lajk It conference, Novi Pazar
Closing Lajk It conference took place in Novi Pazar from 30th October to 1st November 2015. During the Closing conference we summarized the results for this years campaign. Various CSOs from Serbia and Kosovo participated in this conference in order to share...
“Youth speaks” conference to be held from 30th october to 1st november 2015.
The “Youth speaks” conference, which aims to present the results of the “Lajk it” project, will take place in Novi Pazar from 30th October to 1st November 2015. Totally, 20 CSOs from Serbia and Kosovo will participate in the meeting in order to share experiences and...
Promotion of Activists service in Youth Office Savski venac
Libero held a presentation of base for activists in Youth Office Savski venac on 3rd of September for organisations working for and with youth. Some of future activists also attended the presentation willing to find out the possibilities it offers. Many questions were...
Activist service initial promotion
Libero has began the initial phase of the promotion base Aktivitajse.Info among youth, and local youth organizations. This activists database is created through the project Activist service that is conducted by the NGO Libero, and supported by European Youth...
Podrška Kancelarije za saradnju sa civilnim društvom RS
U ponedeljak, 18. maja, u Kancelariji za saradnju sa civilnim društvom RS potpisani su ugovori o sufinansiranju projekata koje finansira Evropska komisija. Projekat LAJK IT, promocija interkulturalnog dijaloga između zajednica u Srbiji i Kosovu koji sprovodi UG...
Activist Service, training
We are ready! After the training that is just held Activist service looks more close then before. Students from Obrenovca, Novi Beograd and Savski venac made their plans for promotion of our base in their schools. Base will be soon ready and since September in one...
Activist Service, stakeholder meeting
Implementation of the project Activist Service started with a stakeholder meeting. Representatives of Youth Offices, Students Parliaments, professors, NGOs and trainers discussed about the development of online data base that is expected to be important part of this...