Libero potpisao sporazum o finansiranju projekta sa RYCO-m
Regionalna kancelarija za saradnju mladih (RYCO) održala je ceremoniju potpisivanja ugovora sa 12 srednjih škola i organizacija cvilnog društva, među kojima je bilo i UG Libero. Ceremonija potpisivanja ugovora oržana je u Palati Srbija, u kancelariji Ministartsva za...
Libero at RYCO contract signing ceremony
Regional Youth Cooperation Office (RYCO) signed contracts on Friday, May 18 with twelve civil society organizations, among them was CSO Libero, and high schools from Serbia that got the support to organize the first youth exchange programs within the RYCO Open Call...
Konsultativni sastanak u vezi strategije omladinskog sektora Saveta Evrope (2020-2030)
Libero je imao čast da učestvuje na konsultativnom sastanku po pitanju razvoja strategije omladinskog sektora Saveta Evrope od 2020. do 2030. godine. Sastanak je održan u Evropskom omladinskom centru u Strazburu, Francuska. Tokom dva dana intenzivnih debata i...
Consultative meeting on a Council of Europe youth sector strategy (2020-2030)
Libero had the honor of attending consultative meeting on a Council of Europe youth sector strategy from 2020 to 2030 in the European Youth Centre Strasbourg. During two days of intensive debates and reflection, around fifty participants from all around...
Europe Talking Project Implemented in the Vračar Municipality
Vračar Municipality and CSO Libero have implemented a project entitled "EUrope talking", supported by the "Europe for citizens" programme of the European Union, together with partners and representatives of local authorities from Skopje, Ljubljana and Brčko District....
Projekat Evropa priča realizovan na opštini Vračar
Gradska opština Vračar i Udruženje građana Libero, u partnerstvu sa partnerima i predstavnicima lokalnih samouprava iz Skoplja, Ljubljane, Brčko distrikta, kao i međunarodnom organizacijom civilnog društva iz Brisela, realizovali su projekat “Evropa priča” u okviru...
Libero na prvom RYCO treningu za izgradnju kapaciteta
Libero je imao privilegiju da, zajedno sa još 34 organizacije čiji su projekti proglašeni za najbolje u okviru prvog otvorenog pozova za finansiranje projekata, učestvije na prvom RYCO treningu za izgradnju kapaciteta koji je održan u Podgorici, Crna Gora. Uokviru...
Libero at RYCO Pilot Capacity Building Training
Libero had an opportunity to take part in the first RYCO Capacity Building Training seminar in Podgorica, Montenegro, together with 34 other organizations and schools from the Western Balkans, who were shortlisted as the best projects within the first RYCO Open Call....
CALL FOR PARTICIPANTS – EUrope Talking (Belgrade, 10-13.5.2018)
Every person builds its "Story of Europe", most often based on the information he or she gathers through television, the virtual world, public events or to some extent through formal education, but we are all aware that this story is representing just "the tip of the...