CSO Libero and Kosova Young Lawyers have organized “Exchange it – info days”events in Belgrade and Prishtina within the project “Exchange it - towards regional cooperation and reconciliation”, supported by the Regional Youth Cooperation Office. At the “Exchange it –...
“Through the Conversation to a Safe Internet” Workshop Held
Within the Vračar Human Rights Week, the Municipality of Vračar and the CSO Libero organized an interactive workshop on the topic of the safety of children on the Internet called "Through conversation to a safe Internet". The workshop, attended by more than 60 pupils...
Održana radionica “Kroz razgovor do bezbednog interneta”
U okviru obeležavanja Nedelje ljudskih prava Gradska opština Vračar i Udruženje građana Libero realizovali su interaktivnu radionicu na temu bezbednosti dece na internetu pod nazivom "Кroz razgovor do bezbednog interneta". Radionica, kojoj je prisustvovalo preko 60...
Prvi seminar u okviru projekta “MakeOver” održan u Ljubljani
Prvi seminar u okviru projekta "makeOver" održan je od 1. do 6. decembra 2018. godine u Ljubljani, Slovenija, i njemu su prisustvovali predstavnici partnerskih organizacija na ovom projektu. Konzorcijum u okviru ovog projekta sastavljan je od organizacija i javnih...
MakeOver Inception Seminar Held in Ljubljana
Inception seminar within the MakeOver project was held from December 1st to 6th 2018 in Ljubljana, Slovenia and it was attended by representatives of partner organizations on this project. The Consortium within this project is formed by organizations and public...
Poziv za učešće na info danu “Razmeni”
Ukoliko vaša organizacija sprovodi omladinske razmene ili namerava da počne sa njihovim sprovođenjem, pozivamo vas da se prijavite za “RAZMENI – INFO DAN” koji Udruženje građana Libero realizuje uz podršku Regionalne kancelarije za saradnju mladih, u okviru projekta...
Virtual Feels Real – Workshops for Teachers
Within the framework of the Virtual Real Estate project, workshops were held in three Belgrade schools. Teachers, psychologists and pedagogues from Technical school in Obrenovac, Architectural Technical School and GSP Technical School had the opportunity to learn...
Radionice za nastavnike u okviru projekta “Virtuelno postaje stvarnost”
U okviru projekta Virtuelno postaje stvarnost održane su radionice u tri beogradske škole. Nastavnici, psiholozi i pedagozi iz Arhitektonske tehničke škole, Tehničke škole u Obrenovcu i GSP tehničke škole imali su prilike da se informišu o digitalnoj komunikaciji,...
Workshops for High School Students Within the Europe Talking Project
Within the project Europe Talking, which CSO Libero realized in cooperation with the Municipality of Vračar and with the help of the Ministry of European Integration of the Government of the Republic of Serbia, several workshops for secondary school students were held...