.Call for participants – E-volunteering Living Lab Meeting (Belgrade,13-16.12.2023)
We are looking for youth workers, stakeholders, and volunteers to support us in the co-creation of innovative tools, methodologies, and policies that will ensure the growth of e-volunteering practices and their recognition among organizations and institutions around...
Family Friendly Sport Meeting Held in Valencia
The Consortium meeting with experts within the project "Family Friendly Sport - Achieving Sustainable Family Friendly Sport Ecosystem" was held in Valencia, Spain, from September 10 to 14, 2023. The goal of the meeting was to enable partners to make...
Exciting News! The ACROSS Project Website Has Launched!
We are delighted to present to you the official launch of the ACROSS Project website! This platform stands as a testament to our commitment to fostering social integration through the prism of intergenerational sports. By engaging with the ACROSS project website, you...
Piloting events within the project „Family Friendly Sports“ were implemented successfully in Serbia, Croatia, Greece and Spain. They were organized by sports clubs whose representatives have participated in the Training of clubs’ staff for implementing the family...
Policy Recommendations for the “ACROSS” Project
These recommendations are part of the “ACROSS – Age: Connecting & Revitalizing through Sports” project, which is supported by the Erasmus+ Programme of the European Union. It is a collective effort of the project’s Consortium, consisting of the NGOs “Move It”...
FFSec Training for Clubs’ Staff Held in Belgrade
This week a Training of staff in clubs to become organizers of the family sport approach was held in Belgrade within the project “Family Friendly Sport”. During the training, participants learned how to organize a family sport system in their clubs, ensure learning...
“Family Friendly Sport” Guidelines Have Arrived!
We are happy to announce that the two Guidelines developed within the project "Family Friendly Sport" are now officially online and available for free to all interested stakeholders that want to improve their capacities for implementing family friendly sports...
The E-volunteering Mind Mapping Event Held in Belgrade
The E-volunteering Mind Mapping event was held in Belgrade, Serbia, from April 5 to 8, 2023. It gathered youth workers, educators, and other stakeholders in order to enable them to analyze and reevaluate the quality elements of the research on the current online and...
Finalization of the Project “European Living Library for Young Citizens”
During the past 3 years, Libero has been actively involved in the implementation of a project “European Living Library for Young Citizens”. The project was supported by Europe for Citizens Programme of the European Union and executed by an international consortium led...