yoUThILIZE E-democracy Guide is Now Online!

yoUThILIZE E-democracy Guide is Now Online!

The progress of local communities is not possible without the involvement of young people. But many young people are not interested or not capable of taking a part in the decision making process of their communities due to unadjusted and incomprehensible approach...

Eksterni MakeOver trening održan u Solunu

Eksterni MakeOver trening održan u Solunu

Eksterni MakeOver trening održan je u Solunu, Grčka, u periodu od 1. do 8. juna 2019. Organizovan je u okviru MakeOver projekta, podržanog od strane programa Erazmus +, a realizovale su ga partnerske organizacije iz Srbije, Belgije, Grčke, Slovenije, Bosne i...

External MakeOver training held in Thessaloniki

External MakeOver training held in Thessaloniki

External MakeOver training was held in Thessaloniki, Greece, between 1st and 8th of June 2019. It was organized within the MakeOver project,  supported by the Erasmus+ Programme and implemented by partner organizations from Serbia, Belgium, Greece, Slovenia,...

Projekat “Izaberi EU” održan na opštini Vračar

Projekat “Izaberi EU” održan na opštini Vračar

    U periodu od 9. do 12. maja projekat "Izaberi EU", podržan od strane programa Evropa za građane i građanke, realizovan je na opštini Vračar sa preko 300 učesnika iz Bosne i Hercegovine, Severne Makedonije, Slovenije, Belgije i Srbije. Kroz interaktivan i...

Select EU Project implemented at the Vračar Municipality

Select EU Project implemented at the Vračar Municipality

In the period from 9th to 12th of May "Select EU" project supported by the Europe for Citizens programme of the European Union was held at the Vračar municipality gathering over 300 participants from Bosnia and Herzegovina, North Macedonia, Slovenia, Belgium and...

European Youth Foundation
Europe for Citizens Programme
ERASMUS+ Programme
ACT Project
Regional Youth Cooperation Office