Predstavnici Libera na “SOCI@LISE” studijskoj sesiji u Budimpešti
Predstavnik UG Libero učestvovao je na studijskoj sesiji "SOCI@LISE - Socijalna prava u digitalnoj eri" koju su organizovali CONNECT International i Youth Express Network u saradnji sa Odsekom za mlade Savetom Evrope. Studijska sesija održana je od 12. do 18. jula...
Representatives of Libero at the “SOCI@LISE” study session in Budapest
Representatives of CSO Libero have participated in the study session "SOCI@LISE - Social Rights in the Digital Era" organized by CONNECT International and Youth Express Network in cooperation with the Youth Department of the Council of Europe. The study session was...
KONKURS za 6 (šest) mladih istraživačica/ča javnih usluga u Organizaciji CETRA
Organizacija Centar edukaciju i transparentost - CETRA poziva, u okviru projekta „Za efikasnije prakse i politike javnih usluga u Pančevu u uslovima nove realnosti“, da se prijavite na Konkurs za mlade istraživače/ice javnih usluga. Zadatak mladih istraživača/ica će...
Promocija “Exchange It” mehanizma
Partnerske organizacije u okviru projekta „Exchange it - Towards Coopeartion and Reconcilliation“ - Kosova Young Lawyers (Kosovo), NVO Libero (Srbija), PRONI (Bosna i Hercegovina), Backslash (Španija), CONNECT International (Belgija), Interkultura (Severna Makedonija)...
Promotional meeting of Exchange It Mechanism implemented by partner organizations
Partner organizations within the project “Exchange it – Towards Coopeartion and Reconcilliation” – Kosova Young Lawyers (Kosovo), NGO Libero (Serbia), PRONI Center (Bosnia and Herzegovina), Backslash (Spain), CONNECT International (Belgium), Interkultura (North...
Održan je prvi trening u okviru projekta “Think! – Don’t Hate”
Trening za preventizere u okviru projekta “Think! – Don’t Hate – Preventing and Countering Hate Speech” održan je u Vrnjačkoj Banji u Srbiji od 18. do 25. aprila 2021. Mladi i omladinski radnici iz Grčke, Crne Gore, Srbije, Severne Makedonije i sa Kosova okupili su se...
Training for Preventizers – “Think! – Don’t Hate – Preventing and Countering Hate Speech”
Training for Preventizers within the project “Think! Don’t hate – Preventing and Countering Hate Speech” was held in Vrnjačka Banja, Serbia, from 18th to 25th April 2021. Young people and youth workers from Greece, Montenegro,...
“Do (Not) Digitalize Me” fokus grupa održana u Srbiji
Fokus grupa u okviru projekta "Do (Not) Digitalize Me" održana je u Beogradu 13. aprila 2021. Glavni cilj ovog projekta je otvoriti debatu o uticaju digitalizacije na omladinski rad i pomoći omladinskim organizacijama širom Evrope da odgovorno koriste digitalne alate...
Do (Not) Digitalize Me Focus Group Held in Serbia
On April 13, 2021, focus group research was implemented in Belgrade within the project “Do (Not) Digitalize Me”. The main aim of this project is to open debate on the impact of digitalization on youth work and to help youth organizations around Europe to responsibly...