Serbian Youth Council launched the campaign “Elections and youth participation” on 2nd April 2012.Youth participation, right to choose and influence on public decision-making are the basis of human rights. Youth participation in decision-making is enabling...
Importance of sustainability of democracy in Europe and role of European youth in preserving it was the main reason why Libero has organized training and seminar “Youth Work on a mission for long lasting democracy”. Main result of the seminar is that Libero has...
Problem of raising violence among the young people, especially towards the minority groups and other aspects of violent behavior have been the main topic for the training seminar organized by NGO Libero in October 2010. Different and proud was designed to address the...
Training Seminar: “All Different – All Citizens” was held in Subotica, Serbia. NGO Libero together with partners from Croatia, Slovenia, Macedonia and with support of Council of Europe, European Youth Foundation and FOCUS foundation, gathered 27...