GOTV campaign by KOMS
Serbian Youth Council launched the campaign "Elections and youth participation" on 2nd April 2012.Youth participation, right to choose and influence on public decision-making are the basis of human rights. Youth participation in decision-making is enabling youth to...
Experience youth
Age discrimination was a main topic which Libero and its partners have been focusing with participants from 16 European countries on seminar “Experience youth”. In specific, age discrimination at job market and its influence on growing youth unemployment, social...
“Get socialized” – learn “their language” to get them involved
Libero saw social inclusion as very important topic. Having in mind that young people should get more involved and activate in their communities, Libero team organized seminar Getting Socialized, with main aim to explore new, and those well known, methodologies for...
“Let’s Clean up Serbia” 2011
Members of Libero participated in nationwide action “Clean Serbia” by cleaning national resort Fruska Gora. As our organization is promoting youth participation and youth volunteerism, our members wanted to show that youth is willing to contribute in all segments of...
Training and seminar: “Youth Work on a mission for long lasting democracy”
Importance of sustainability of democracy in Europe and role of European youth in preserving it was the main reason why Libero has organized training and seminar “Youth Work on a mission for long lasting democracy”. Main result of the seminar is that Libero has...
“Different and Proud” – Addressing violence among young people
Problem of raising violence among the young people, especially towards the minority groups and other aspects of violent behavior have been the main topic for the training seminar organized by NGO Libero in October 2010. Different and proud was designed to address the...
Rural way to Europe – promoting rural youth participation
In order to increase the level of participation among young people living in rural areas of South east Europe, NGO LIBERO from Serbia had organized the training seminar “RURAL WAY TO EUROPE – participation of rural youth” in cooperation with our partnering...
Training seminar „Include Me”
Young people from around Europe had a six-day opportunity to discuss the issues of social inclusion/exclusion of young migrants, as well as problems they have been facing in their new communities. Training seminar „Include Me” had been organized in Belgrade, Serbia...
“Europeans – Beauty of Diversity”
Seminar and event “Europeans - Beauty of Diversity” was held in Subotica, intercultural city in northern part of Serbia, from 07th till 13th June 2009. This project gathered 23 people from 10 countries from Eastern Europe who had an opportunity to discuss matters such...