
Peer educator training for high school students

Subotica, from 4th to 7th of July: “Virtual feels real” continues with its activities. During four inspiring days for 40 participants from whole Serbia this campaign moved on its next level. The idea was to train peer educators to promote tolerance among high...

Poziv za podnošenje ponuda

Poziv za podnošenje ponuda

U skladu sa novim Zakonom o javnim nabavkama, Konkursnu dokumentaciju sa Pozivom za podnošenje ponuda i svom neophodnom dokumentacijom koju treba dostaviti, kao i uputstvom, možete pronaći na sledećem linku: Konkursna dokumentacija i poziv JNMV Libero. Predmet Javne...

„The power of a positive attitude in employment”

Is glass half full or half empty? Why optimism is important? Do optimists get more job opportunities then pessimists?  Are you optimist or pessimist? This are just some questions that we discussed  with students today during our workshop about optimism and “The power...

European Youth Foundation
Europe for Citizens Programme
ERASMUS+ Programme
ACT Project
Regional Youth Cooperation Office