
VFR 2014, Final Conference

"Virtual Feels Real" for this year ended on 10th of December in Novi Pazar. During the Final Conference for participants and future cooperates in providing the safe online space for young people we summarized the results for this years campaign. Also we gave...

VPS 2014, završna konferencija

Projekat Virtuelno postaje stvarnost za ovu godinu.uspešno je završen 10. decembra u Novom Pazaru. Na završnoj konferenciji organizovanoj za učesnike/ce i buduće saveznike u obezbeđivanju sigurnog online prostora za mlade sumirani su rezultati rada vršnjačkih...

“Virtual action for real reaction”

“Virtual action for real reaction”

During last week on Zlatibor Libero was host for young activists from Council of Europe countries. We all gathered for training "Virtual action for real reaction". Young participants on our training were educated about online activism and they created their proposals...

“Virtual action for real reaction”

Na Zlatiboru je prošle nedelje održan trening "Virtual action for real reaction" za mlade aktiviste i aktivistkinje iz zemalja Saveta Evrope. Na temu online aktivizma mladi su se edukovali, diskutovali ali i kreirali kvalitetne predloge svojih akcija i kampanja na...

VPS, Novi Pazar, modul 3

Treći modul po redu u okviru VPS 2014. za temu je imao online manifestacije govora mržnje i reakcije na isti. Zajedno sa učesnicima analizirali smo primere negativne komunikacije na društvenim mrežama i dali im predloge načina prevazilaženja ovakvih situacija od...

VFR, Novi Pazar, module three

Third module in a row was about the manifestations of hate speech online. With participants we analyzed the cases of negative communication on social networks and gave them the hints how to react in such situations such as reporting the negative content and sharing...

VPS, Novi Pazar, modul 2

U okviru projekta Virtuelno postaje stvarnost 2014. Libero je nastavio sa realizacijom planiranih modula. Drugi po redu modul imao je za temu predrasude i diskriminaciju. Vršnjački edukatori/ke su se, pre svega, sami informisali na ovu temu i nakon toga nastavili sa...

VFR, Novi Pazar, module two

Within the project Virtual Feels Real Libero continued with implementation of educational modules. Second module was about the prejudices and discrimination. Peer educators firstly learned themselves about the topic and later continued with workshops in their schools....

VFR, Novi Pazar, module one

Peer educators from Novi Pazar performed their workshops to their peers in five schools from this town. The topic of workshops was human rights and the knowledge transferred on these events was the one that peer educators gained during the module one when Libero tough...

European Youth Foundation
Europe for Citizens Programme
ERASMUS+ Programme
ACT Project
Regional Youth Cooperation Office