Početak projekta “THINK! Don’t hate.”

Početak projekta “THINK! Don’t hate.”

Udruženje građana Libero u narednih godinu i po dana biće deo međunarodnog konzorcijuma koji sprovodi projekat "Think! Don't hate - Preventing and countering hate speech online". Ovaj projekat podržan je od strane programa Evropske unije Erazmus+.  Glavni cilj...

Start of the project “THINK! Don’t hate.”

Start of the project “THINK! Don’t hate.”

In the next year and a half, CSO Libero will be part of an international consortium established for the implementation of the project “Think! Don’t hate – Preventing and countering online hate speech. This project is supported by the Erasmus + Programme of the...

Consultative meeting within the project “Need IT”

Consultative meeting within the project “Need IT”

CSO Libero, in cooperation with the National Association of Youth Offices of Serbia, has launched the "Need IT" project with the aim of facilitating the involvement of organizations in the creation of youth programs, services and policies at the local and national...

European Youth Foundation
Europe for Citizens Programme
ERASMUS+ Programme
ACT Project
Regional Youth Cooperation Office