Playing of the online RPG game “After the Fall” in Serbia
The organization Center for Education and Transparency - CETRA and the CSO Libero have organized the playing of the online educational RPG game "After the Fall" with participants from Serbia during March 2021. This game was developed as part of the "Game Changer"...
Organizovano je igranje onlajn edukativne igrice “After the Fall”
Organizacija Centar za edukaciju i transparentnost – CETRA i Udruženje građana Libero organizovali su igranje onlajn edukativne RPG igrice "After the Fall" sa učesnicima iz Srbije u dva termina tokom marta 2021. godine. Ova igrica razvijena je u okviru...
Predsednik UG Libero govorio je u onlajn radionici „Pitaj me bilo šta o EU podršci – Evropa za građane i građanke“
U ponedeljak 22. marta 2021. godine u organizaciji EU Info kutka u Nišu održana je onlajn radionica „Pitaj me bilo šta o EU podršci – Evropa za građane i građanke". Radionica je organizovana kako bi se zainteresovane organizacije civiljnog društva i državne...
Call for Participants – “THINK! Don’t Hate” Training for Trainers
THINK! – Don’t hate…but is it really an easy task? We decided to promote critical thinking in this fight against hate. In order to do this we created a project we are inviting you to join and help us develop further. We want to create new approaches...
Libero took part at the workshop “Ask me anything about EU support – Europe for Citizens”
On Monday, March 22, 2021, an online workshop "Ask me anything about EU support - Europe for Citizens" was organized by the EU Info Corner in Niš. The workshop was organized with an aim to introduce civil society organizations and state institutions to the process of...
The President of CSO Libero attended the meeting organized by the Serbian Ministry of Human and Minority Rights
The President of the CSO Libero, Ivan Despotović, has attended a meeting organized by the Serbian Government's Ministry of Human and Minority Rights with civil society organizations active in the field of youth and education policy development. The meeting was held on...
Predsednik UG Libero prisustvovao je sastanku u organizaciji Ministarstva za ljudska i manjinska prava
Predsednik Udruženja građana Libero, Ivan Despotović, prisustvovao je sastanku koje je Ministartstvo za ljudska i manjinska prava organizovalo sa organizacijama civilnog društva koje su aktivne na polju razvoja omladinskih i obrazovnih politika. Sastanku, koji je...
Najava online edukativne igre za mlade “After the Fall”
Volite li da igrate video igrice? RPG igrice su vam omiljene? Želite da istražujete uništeni svet nakon kataklizme koja se dogodila krajem 2040. godine kada je nivo mora počeo nezaustavljivo da raste? Pozivamo vas da sa nama lutate kroz ostatke napuštenih objekata i...
Training for youth workers within the project “Need IT” implemented in Serbia
Training for youth workers within the "Need It" project was held in Vrnjačka Banja, Serbia, from March 4 to 7, 2021. It was attended by teams comprised of 3 representatives of youth offices and local youth organizations from 5 cities in Serbia, in which the...