Playing of the online RPG game “After the Fall” in Serbia

Playing of the online RPG game “After the Fall” in Serbia

The organization Center for Education and Transparency - CETRA and the CSO Libero have organized the playing of the online educational RPG game "After the Fall" with participants from Serbia during March 2021. This game was developed as part of the "Game Changer"...

Najava online edukativne igre za mlade “After the Fall”

Najava online edukativne igre za mlade “After the Fall”

Volite li da igrate video igrice? RPG igrice su vam omiljene? Želite da istražujete uništeni svet nakon kataklizme koja se dogodila krajem 2040. godine kada je nivo mora počeo nezaustavljivo da raste? Pozivamo vas da sa nama lutate kroz ostatke napuštenih objekata i...

European Youth Foundation
Europe for Citizens Programme
ERASMUS+ Programme
ACT Project
Regional Youth Cooperation Office