.Evropska živa biblioteka u Solunu, Grčka
Projekat „Evropska živa biblioteka za mlade građane“ organizovan je u Solunu od 23. do 26. avgusta 2021. U projektu je učestvovalo preko 100 građana, uključujući 33 pozvana učesnika iz Beograda (Srbija), Kvart de Pobleta (Španija), Skoplja (Severna Makedonija),...
European Living Library events held in Thessaloniki, Greece
Project “European Living Library for Young Citizens” was organized in Thessaloniki from August 23rd to 26th, 2021.The project involved over 100 citizens, including 33 invited participants from the cities of Belgrade (Serbia), Quart de Poblet (Spain), Skopje...
“THINK! Don’t hate” Trening održan u Solunu, Grčka
“THINK! Don’t hate - Training for Counterizers" održan je u Solunu, Grčka, od 17. do 24. avgusta 2021. Ovaj događaj je bio prilika za mlade ljude i omladinske radnike iz Grčke, Crne Gore, Srbije, Severne Makedonije, Belgije, Španije, Hrvatske i Kosovo da se okupe i...
“THINK! Don’t hate” Training for Counterizers held in Thessaloniki, Greece
“THINK! Don’t hate” Training for Counterizers was held in thessaloniki, Greece, from 17th to 24th August, 2021. This event was an opportunity for young people and youth workers from Greece, Montenegro, Serbia, North Macedonia, Belgium, Spain, Croatia and Kosovo to...
“THINK! Don’t hate” Training for Counterizers held in Thessaloniki, Greece
The Training for Counterizers within the project "THINK! Don't Hate" was implemented in Thessaloniki, Greece, from 17th to 24th August. Young people and youth workers from Greece, Montenegro, Serbia, North Macedonia, Belgium, Spain, Croatia and Kosovo have gathered...
Study visit within the project “Exchange it!” was held from 19 to 26 July 2021 in Brussels, Belgium. The visit was attended by youth workers and representatives of youth organizations and the Youth Offices from Serbia. The aim of the study visit was to connect...
Studijska poseta u okviru projekta „Razmeni!“ održana je od 19. do 26. jula 2021. u Briselu, Belgija. Poseti su prisustvovali omladinski radnici i predstavnici omladinskih organizacija i Kancelarija za mlade iz Srbije. Cilj studijske posete bio je povezivanje učesnika...
Predstavnici Libera na “SOCI@LISE” studijskoj sesiji u Budimpešti
Predstavnik UG Libero učestvovao je na studijskoj sesiji "SOCI@LISE - Socijalna prava u digitalnoj eri" koju su organizovali CONNECT International i Youth Express Network u saradnji sa Odsekom za mlade Savetom Evrope. Studijska sesija održana je od 12. do 18. jula...
Representatives of Libero at the “SOCI@LISE” study session in Budapest
Representatives of CSO Libero have participated in the study session "SOCI@LISE - Social Rights in the Digital Era" organized by CONNECT International and Youth Express Network in cooperation with the Youth Department of the Council of Europe. The study session was...