Sastanak partnera u okviru projekat “ReInNovating Youth Work”
Nakon pokretanja novog projekta ”RE(In)novating Youth Work” u februaru, partneri su se ponovo sastali između 21. i 24. aprila u Valensiji, Španija....
Partner’s meeting within the “ReInNovating Youth Work” Project
After the launch of the new project ”RE(In)novating Youth Work” in February, the partners meet between 21th April and 24th April in...
Kickoff meeting of the “ReInNovating Youth Work” Project
The kickoff meeting of the “ReInNovating Youth Work” project was held online on February 15th and 16th, 2024. It gathered representatives of partner...
This platform is developed within the project „IN/ThROugh“ with a goal of offering a space where sports clubs and organizations will exchange their knowledge and experiences in order to use education in and through grassroots sport as a tool for promoting European values and addressing burning challenges.
The YouthEngage.net platform was developed in order to enable young people to become active, participate in mobility activities and contribute to the development of their community through participation in shaping youth programs. The platform also offers support to organizations willing to improve the way they communicate with the youth and enabled them to attract new participants for their activities.
THINK! Don't hate
THINK! Don’t Hate platform is a place where you can learn how to effectively prevent and combat online hate speech by promoting critical thinking among young people. The platform contains two guides for building capacities for fighting hate speech - Preventizer and Counterizer guides, as well as a Peer support system.
On this link you can download "ExchangeIt - Towards regional cooperation and reconciliation" Toolkit! “Exchange it” toolkit contains all the elements that can help organisations and institutions to successfully implement a youth exchange and thereby contribute to general development of the Western Balkans region.
Exchange It
The idea behind this project is to empower organizations to implement youth exchanges in post conflict and frozen conflicts areas, and then to increase their capacities through a platform with tailor made trainings, mentoring support, networking and updated information on the subject.
EduMixer represents a set of guides for improving online education in Serbia through use of innovative methodologies and digital tools . It is developed for teachers, students and youth workers.
It all started when we noticed one stunning fact, that – when we laugh we don’t need the interpretation, it’s understood in all languages and cultures. You have to admit that this is what we all need – to laugh a little beat more while being really serious about the intention to learn about each other. And that is what we’ll do. We expect from you not to be only the spectator, but also a creator. You should try it, cause it’s fun and easy!
MakeOver Guide is designed to help your organization become sustainable and growth oriented. By sharing with you expertise of strategic planning; staff and volunteer management; managing knowledge as most valuable asset of your organization; project management and designing communication strategies, we are guiding you on the road of INTERNAL and EXTERNAL MAKEOVER of your organization!
yoUThILIZE e-democracy
This guide is a set of recommendations, examples of mechanisms for introducing e-democracy to young people on local level, tips and tricks intended to help local authorities to establish unique and engaging e-participation systems and strengthen active citizenship among youth.
By creating LOC@L Libero is committing itself to the next level of contributing to better local communities which are coming closer to EU. This is where Libero will gather all its partners and knowledge in the field, initiate future cooperations and offer it to everyone who is interested in being a part in modern, more connected and eager to grow communities.
Genderality is a campaign responding to gender-based discrimination and violence online and the “real” consequences of our “virtual” actions. Our position is that you are you, and you are free to be you. Your virtual identity is no less important than your real identity – so build it, nurture it, be you. All too often, the virtual world becomes a platform for abuse, and one with impunity. We are here to combat that – and that is why we are reaching out to you.