Step 1: To collect and offer relevant information about conflict transformation online through youth work and to support exchange of knowledge and contacts;
Step 2: Joint work of organizations involved in developing methodological framework for conflict transformation online through youth work;
Step 3: Capacity building of member organizations for online conflict transformation;
Step 4: To set the official network for online conflict transformation through youth work in a way that would be agreed by all potential members.
At the moment we are at first step and we are asking you to take this first step with us!
There are no special requirements for joining the network such as fees and other special obligations. Organization’s only commitment to the network implies participation in sharing what is achieved and support to the building of resource center by sharing experiences.
If you are interested in becoming a part of this network please check the letter attached for more details. If you decide to become part of network, we are expecting your application form no later than September 12th, 2016.
Letter of understanding, Conflict Transformers NET
Conflict Transformers NET application form for organizations