“Circle of Compassion” Pilot Workshop in Serbia Organized by Libero
The piloting workshop within the project “Circle of Compassion” was organized by NGO Libero in Bajina Bašta, Serbia. During it, we introduced the representatives of local actors (Schools, administration, NGOs) working with young people with the concept of...
The “Volunt@@ring” Training within the E-volunteering Project is held in Belgrade
Coming from six different countries, youth workers, trainers, representatives of youth organizations, and NFE educators joined the E-volunteering training in Belgrade this October, where they discussed existing e-volunteering mechanisms in their...
We are thrilled to invite you to the Expert Meeting on Re(In)novating Digital Youth Work, taking place from 8th to 10th November 2024 in Ljubljana, Slovenia. This event will bring together 18 leading experts to collaborate, share insights, and drive innovation in the...
Call for the E-volunteering Volunt@@rs Training of Trainers in Belgrade
We are looking for youth workers, trainers, representatives of youth organizations, and NFE educators with experience in volunteering who are eager and ready to become trainers who will support the establishment of transnational...
Partner’s meeting within the “ReInNovating Youth Work” Project
After the launch of the new project ”RE(In)novating Youth Work” in February, the partners meet between 21th April and 24th April in Valencia, Spain. The goal of this project is to develop and strengthen a sustainable digital youth work ecosystem ensuring...
Kickoff meeting of the “ReInNovating Youth Work” Project
The kickoff meeting of the “ReInNovating Youth Work” project was held online on February 15th and 16th, 2024. It gathered representatives of partner organizations to make final arrangements and agreements on the realization of all tasks in order to have a successful,...
Call for international web conference “Circle of Compassion”
We believe that compassion is a fundamental building block of communities, spreading kindness, understanding, tolerance, warmth and connectedness between people. It is a quality that can be cultivated through practice and it means being aware of how our actions affect...