We believe that compassion is a fundamental building block of communities, spreading kindness, understanding, tolerance, warmth and connectedness between people. It is a quality that can be cultivated through practice and it means being aware of how our actions affect other people and ourselves. In the spirit of spreading compassion, we are organizing an international online conference, “Circle of Compassion – Youth work based on compassion”.

We invite you to join an inspiring exploration of compassion and discover its many facets. The conference will be held online and, far from being a traditional seated event, will be held in English. Selected speakers will run interactive workshops highlighting the importance of compassion for empowering ourselves and developing a culture where compassion is part of the work balance.

The conference will take place on 15 March 2024, via the Zoom online platform, between 9.00 and 14.00 CET.

Learn more and apply here.


9.00 – 9.30 / registration

9.30 – 9.45 / opening address and conference presentation

9.45 – 11.15 / keynote speakers

Dr Hannah Gilbert, psychotherapist focusing on compassion and working for the Compassionate Mind Foundation.

Monica L. Hanson, Distinguished Lecturer, Consultant and co-founder of the Applied Compassion Programme at the Center for Compassion and Altruism Research and Education (CCARE) at Stanford University School of Medicine.

David Rand, entrepreneur, educator and researcher on empathy and compassion. He is also the founder of Art of Wisdom in Las Vegas and the director of the Aspen Institute in Washington, DC.

Vinciane Rycroft, Education Project Manager and Trainer at Mind with Heart.

11.15 – 11.45 / break in nature and search for compassion

11.45 – 12.15 / reflections and introduction to the workshops

12.15 – 13.30 / interactive workshops

Dr. Hannah Gilbert / Training the compassionate mind: Science and practice for life’s difficulties

Monica L. Hanson / Compassion as a Choice: A Practical Guide for Young People and their Advocates

David Rand / Empathy + Compassion: Why these two values are important when working with marginalized communities

Vinciane Rycroft / Compassion for Self, for young people and their allies

Marko Pavlovič / How to cultivate compassion in a youth center

13.30 – 14.00 / summaries and closing of the conference

Verujemo da je saosećanje osnovni gradivni element zajednica, koji širi dobrotu, razumevanje, toleranciju, toplinu i povezanost među ljudima. To je kvalitet koji se može kultivisati kroz praksu i znači biti svestan kako naši postupci utiču na druge ljude i na nas same. U duhu širenja saosećanja, organizujemo međunarodnu onlajn konferenciju „Krug saosećanja – omladinski rad zasnovan na saosećanju“.

Pozivamo vas da se pridružite inspirativnom istraživanju saosećanja i otkrijete njegove brojne aspekte. Konferencija će se održati onlajn i, daleko od toga da bude tradicionalna sedeća, biće održana na engleskom jeziku. Odabrani govornici će voditi interaktivne radionice naglašavajući važnost saosećanja za osnaživanje sebe i razvoj kulture u kojoj je saosećanje deo radnog balansa.

Konferencija će se održati 15. marta 2024. godine, preko Zoom onlajn platforme, između 9.00 i 14.00 časova po srednjeevropskom vremenu.

Prijavite se ovde.


9.00 – 9.30 / prijava

9.30 – 9.45 / uvodno obraćanje i izlaganje na konferenciji

9.45 – 11.15 / glavni govornici
Dr Hannah Gilbert, psihoterapeutkinja koja se fokusira na saosećanje i radi za Fondaciju Compassionate Mind.
Monika L. Hanson, uvaženi predavač, konsultant i suosnivač Programa primenjenog saosećanja u Centru za istraživanje i obrazovanje o saosećanju i altruizmu (CCARE) na Medicinskom fakultetu Univerziteta Stanford.
David Rand, preduzetnik, edukator i istraživač o empatiji i saosećanju. Takođe je osnivač Art of Visdom u Las Vegasu i direktor Instituta Aspen u Vašingtonu.
Vinciane Ricroft, menadžer obrazovnog projekta i trener u umu sa srcem.

11.15 – 11.45 / predah u prirodi i potraga za saosećanjem

11.45 – 12.15 / razmišljanja i uvod u radionice

12.15 – 13.30 / interaktivne radionice

Dr Hana Gilbert / Obuka saosećajnog uma: Nauka i praksa za životne poteškoće
Monika L. Hanson / Saosećanje kao izbor: Praktični vodič za mlade ljude i njihove advokate
David Rand / Empatija + saosećanje: Zašto su ove dve vrednosti važne u radu sa marginalizovanim zajednicama
Vinciane Ricroft / Saosećanje za sebe, za mlade ljude i njihove saveznike
Marko Pavlovič / Kako negovati saosećanje u omladinskom centru

13.30 – 14.00 / rezimei i zatvaranje konferencije

Council of Europe
European youth foundation