After the launch of the new project ”RE(In)novating Youth Work” in February, the partners meet between 21th April and 24th April in Valencia, Spain. The goal of this project is to develop and strengthen a sustainable digital youth work ecosystem ensuring qualitative involvement of all stakeholders. It is being implemented by an international Consortium composed of CONNECT International (Belgium), NGO Libero (Serbia), Public Institute Young Dragons (Slovenia), NGO Backslash (Spain), MoveIt (Greece) and CCF (France).

In this meeting the partners’ focus was on defining the scope and objectives of the research study that will be carried out in the following period. The general aim of this research is to analyse existing digital youth work, existing and innovative on efforts, policies, standards, and practices which will allow us to have a realistic overview of the topic of digital youth work and will later on serve us as a basis for development of future activities. 

Stay tuned and participate in the research and support the re-innovation of youth work! 

The project is co-funded by the European Union.

Council of Europe
European youth foundation